Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

How do I know if I have genital herpes?

Despite the fact that millions of Americans are living with genital herpes, the disease can be surprisingly difficult to detect in some cases. However, many people with genital herpes have at least some detectable signs.

The most obvious sign of genital herpes is the appearance of red bumps in and/or around the genital area, often starting around two weeks after the initial exposure to herpes. The bumps may spread to the anus and/or surrounding skin, and in some cases also develop within the vagina and/or urinary tract. These bumps turn into blisters, which in turn become sores. Often these sores become encrusted and very itchy; after a period of time, however, they will clear up. An outbreak can involve a large number of sores, but can just as easily involve just a single one.

Because genital herpes is incurable, these outbreaks will recur over time. Certain medications are available to increase the length of time in-between herpes outbreaks.

Other symptoms of genital herpes may or may not accompany an outbreak. These include a reddening and/or sudden extreme dryness of the genital area; a burning, itching, and/or painful sensation in the genital area; vaginal discharge; difficulty urinating; headache; fever; and/or swollen glands.

The most difficult aspect of genital herpes, and a large contributor to its spread, is that the herpes virus can remain inactive in many individuals and never cause them to show any signs or symptoms of the condition. However, they are still able to spread genital herpes to others. Many times the symptoms of genital herpes are confused with other conditions, such as yeast infections, urinary tract infections, and even ingrown hairs.

While it’s important to know and be able to recognize the symptoms of genital herpes, you should always seek an official diagnosis from a medical professional if you are at all concerned that you may have contracted the disease. Only they will be able to say for certain whether your symptoms are the result of herpes. If you do have genital herpes, they can provide you with medication and important information necessary to handle the condition.

About Writer: Melanie Addington is writer and ex herpes victims who write and to condense every single detail of this treatment in an easy-to-follow report which I named the “Ultimate Herpes Protocol – Secretsto Naturally Treat Herpes”. The Ultimate Herpes Protocol is a step-by step blueprint to fight off herpes type I & II as well as shingles without unleashing chemical warfare on your body.

Let this protocol vanish your herpes and restore your health as it has for more than 7,500 folks just like you.

Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

How Can You Tell Someone Has Genital Herpes?

 How can you tell someone has genital herpes? Do you take a good look at the person? Do you ask and look straight in their eyes? Do you inquire about their sex lives? Well, my answer is no, maybe and maybe.

It may be a good idea to ask someone if they are aware of having genital herpes. The more sexual partners a person has had in their lives, the more likely they are to be infected by herpes. But these methods are quite insufficient. Did you know that the majority of people who have genital or oral herpes are not aware of it? So how do you explain that? Simple, many oral or genital herpes infected people just dont have any herpes symptoms, others have some symptoms which are mild enough to confuse them with a rash or a mosquito bite or anything that may cause, redness, swelling, itching, burning and blisters, and some may not even know what herpes symptoms are.

The fact that somebody doesnt have or recognize herpes symptoms doesnt mean they dont have it. About 25% of the US population is infected with genital herpes, with women being more affected than men. Studies have shown that the vast majority (80%-90%) of people who have genital herpes have not been diagnosed with the condition.

According to a recent paper published by Carnegie Mellon University in January 2006, most sexually active teenage girls know almost nothing about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), except AIDS, until it is too late. Another 2006 study led by Dr. Herbert Kaufman, Boyd Professor of Ophthalmology at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, found herpes virus-1 in 98 percent of healthy participants. None of them displayed any symptoms; however they shed the herpes virus in their saliva and tears at least once during the course of the 30-day study. Even though this study didnt target genital herpes directly, it demonstrates that most people can be totally unaware of carrying the virus and being infected by herpes.

Shed or shedding means that the virus is present on the skin and ready to be transmitted. Herpes is transmitted through skin contact 98% of the time. Studies have shown that shedding may occur in almost 40% of HSV-2 (usually associated with genital herpes) infected people. Asymptomatic viral shedding may last 1 to 5 days, meaning that a person can be contagious without presenting any symptoms at the time. The average duration of each period of viral shedding has been assessed through laboratory studies but is just an estimate.

So how can you tell for a fact if someone has genital herpes? The only way to know is to look at blood, PCR or swab test results. Swab and PCR tests are very accurate when they detect herpes. However, if a test was performed late or delivered to the lab late, it may return a false negative result. Western blot test, a blood test, is the most accurate test available but may return a false negative if the person tested was first infected within the past 3 months. So it is not easy to know if a person has genital herpes or not.

One last consideration, herpes Simplex 1 or HSV-1 usually causes oral herpes and cold sores and herpes simplex-2, genital herpes. But herpes virus-1 genital herpes is becoming more and more prevalent nowadays. It is mostly transmitted during oral sex from a person whos having an oral herpes infection with or without symptoms. So if getting genital herpes is a concern to you, you should consider oral herpes as well as genital herpes when asking a partner.

As you can see, it is very difficult to assess if a partner has genital herpes. There are no proven products to prevent genital herpes transmission at the moment. Some are currently undergoing testing for FDA approval and will hopefully be marketed soon. In the meanwhile, the best option is using a condom.

About Writer: Melanie Addington is writer and ex herpes victims who write and to condense every single detail of this treatment in an easy-to-follow report which I named the “Ultimate Herpes Protocol – Secretsto Naturally Treat Herpes”. The Ultimate Herpes Protocol is a step-by step blueprint to fight off herpes type I & II as well as shingles without unleashing chemical warfare on your body.

Let this protocol vanish your herpes and restore your health as it has for more than 7,500 folks just like you.

Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Herpes Simplex- Some Quick Facts

Herpes Simplex- What is it?

Herpes Simplex is an infection caused by the virus called Herpes Simplex Virus. The virus is of two types. HSV1 and HSV2. Herpes Simplex causes sores, and rashes on face and genitals. The virus type 1 causes sores on the mouth, which are called cold sores. The second virus type causes genital herpes.

Herpes Simplex- is it treatable?

Once you get herpes virus, it never leaves your body. The only thing you can do is to get it treated whenever it shows up as sores with blisters. After treatment the virus goes back into dormancy, but does not get eliminated from body. Whenever it gets triggered again, it will show up as a sore.

Herpes Simplex- what are the symptoms?

Herpes Simplex appears as sores with blisters. This disease recurs during the lifetime. Once you catch it, it never leaves your body, so you can have recurrences. Cold sores normally form around the mouth, while genital herpes shows up on the genitals.

Herpes Simplex- cause

Herpes Simplex virus 1 is generally caught in the childhood while the genital infection from HSV2 is caused by sexual contact in the adulthood. Your partner may show no signs of having Herpes Simplex and may be unaware that they are the carriers. They will pass it on to you unknowingly.

Herpes is a silent disease. It shows up after some days of your catching it and the symptoms may be so slight that you may ignore them. The second time it will show up, it may be much more flared up. Between the recurrences you will not show any symptoms of herpes but you will pass it on to your partners. Similarly you may get it from your partners.
Keywords: Herpes Simplex What is it?, Herpes Simplex- is it treatable?, Herpes Simplex- what are the symptoms?, Herpes Simplex- cause

About Writer: Melanie Addington is writer and ex herpes victims who write and to condense every single detail of this treatment in an easy-to-follow report which I named the “Ultimate Herpes Protocol – Secretsto Naturally Treat Herpes”. The Ultimate Herpes Protocol is a step-by step blueprint to fight off herpes type I & II as well as shingles without unleashing chemical warfare on your body. Let this protocol vanish your herpes and restore your health as it has for more than 7,500 folks just like you.

Herpes Simplex – Are You Getting The Virus?

Herpes Simplex-What Is It?

Herpes simplex is a skin problem that is caused by a virus. The virus can be of two types- virus type1 and virus type2. With virus type1, you will get herpes mainly on your face. With virus type2, you will get herpes mainly on your genitals. Those who are sexually active may be unknowingly passing this disease to you and this is incurable. Find out more.

Herpes Simplex Types 
Let us talk more about virus type2. It causes sores, muscle aches, fevers and difficult urinations. The problem is this. Those who have herpes go in to dormant mode after getting treated. That means that their body will give no outward sign that they have herpes. If you get into relation with them, the virus will most probably will be passed on to you. Now you are a carrier of herpes for life. You will never get cured. You may have herpes outbreaks anytime on your genitals and that will be very painful. It will take about two weeks to get it cleared. After that the virus may cause active herpes anytime in future.

Protection From Herpes Simplex

If your partner has dormant herpes simplex and does not tell you herself/himself, you will most probably get it. The best way out is to enquire with your partner if he/she has had any episodes of Herpes virus type2. Even if they had an outbreak in the childhood of herpes virus type1, please find out. That will also form active blisters on your face mainly lips and be with you for life.

About Writer: Melanie Addington is writer and ex herpes victims who write and to condense every single detail of this treatment in an easy-to-follow report which I named the “Ultimate Herpes Protocol – Secretsto Naturally Treat Herpes”. The Ultimate Herpes Protocol is a step-by step blueprint to fight off herpes type I & II as well as shingles without unleashing chemical warfare on your body.

Let this protocol vanish your herpes and restore your health as it has for more than 7,500 folks just like you.

Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Herpes Is Not A Death Sentence

herpes zoster on neck
image credit wikipedia
Every day the number of people around the world that find that they have herpes is staggering. Over 50% of the white population, over 70% of the African American population and over 60% of the Japanese population has herpes. What most people dont know is that it is not a death sentence. OF course people know that they won’t die from herpes but you would think that they were going to die the way that they act.

Most average citizens know that there is a genital herpes and many understand that there is also a herpes that affects the lip and eyes of either one or both sides of the face. That’s right cold sore or fever blisters are actually herpes. So how do people get these? The answer to that question varies. Sometimes it is picked up through sexual contact from genital to genital or it can be oral to genital and it can also be mouth to mouth. By the time that children are 4 years old they are exposed to the herpes virus in some shape or form through day care, school groups and other kids activities.

So what should you really be thinking if you just found out that you have herpes? The answer is that many times the mental anguish of herpes far outweighs the physical aspect of it. Genital herpes is a cold sore on the genitals that usually lasts about 7 days and often reoccurs every six months and can be attributed to a weakened state of the immune system that is often found with stress. Many people often claim that too much sugar or lack of sleep can bring on an outbreak.

If you just had your first outbreak then there could be many different roads that you will travel. For many they have one outbreak – the initial one and then they never have another herpes outbreak. For some it can be more persistent and troublesome. There are products on the market today that can really help with outbreaks. However in our opinion the natural based or herbal based treatments are more effective at eliminating the outbreaks. Does this mean that they cure herpes? Cure is strong word but for many that use natural based herpes treatments they never have an outbreak again. Whether that is controlling the outbreaks or killing the viruses we dont know but for many they never have another outbreak and that is vital.

Point being that there are many things that a person that now has herpes can do to prevent further outbreaks and as time goes on they do not feel the mental aspects of finding out that they have herpes as well.

About Writer: Melanie Addington is writer and ex herpes victims who write and to condense every single detail of this treatment in an easy-to-follow report which I named the “Ultimate Herpes Protocol – Secretsto Naturally Treat Herpes”. The Ultimate Herpes Protocol is a step-by step blueprint to fight off herpes type I & II as well as shingles without unleashing chemical warfare on your body.

Let this protocol vanish your herpes and restore your health as it has for more than 7,500 folks just like you.

Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

Herpes: Where did Mine Come From and What Can I Do About It

For most people, the diagnosis of genital herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus 2 or HSV2) is a shock. For others, the diagnosis maybe a confirmation of suspicions they have had about their own health or their partner’s behavior. Seeking to answer the question of how the patient contracted the condition often leads to a search for blame and then self-recrimination. Living with herpes is something that initially may take some psychological adjustment for some patients. It need not mean the end of your sex life or that you will need to remain celibate for the rest of your life.

Firstly HSV2 and HSV1, better known as the cold sore virus, are just two of a related group of seven viruses that are known to infect humans. Others include the Varicella-Zoster virus, commonly known as chicken pox and shingles. Diagnosis of infection with either HSV1 or 2 can be established with a blood test known as the Western Blot test; the upside of this test is that a patient who does not have active lesions may be diagnosed through the presence of antibodies to either strain. Accuracy of this test is only 90-95% depending on the lab involved. Some instances have occurred where patients were diagnosed with either a false positive or a false negative. The most accurate diagnosis is with a physician taking the top off a fresh lesion, obtaining a swab from the base of the lesion and a lab growing a viral culture from it. Extracting a viable swab from the lesion can be quite painful for the patient.

HSV2 traditionally involved infections in genital areas, with the virus lying dormant in the sacral nerve at the base of the spine during periods when the patient is not experiencing lesions. HSV1 traditionally involves infections around the mouth and nose and lies dormant in the trigeminal nerve in the neck during non-active phases of the disease. Current epidemiology studies across the Western World indicate the incidence of HSV2 to be around one in eight people, or 12% of the population. Only one in five of those with antibodies have been diagnosed.

In real terms, in a room containing forty people, five have HSV2 but only one knows they have it. A further three of the five may have had an isolated symptom once or twice. This would have appeared so insignificant that they mistook it for a pimple, infected hair follicle or a boil. The final one in five is someone who has never had a symptom and may never do so. For this patient, and the other three undiagnosed patients, accusations of infection (generally followed by accusations of infidelity) from a partner are often met with counter accusations and disbelief. A conservative estimate of the world population with HSV1 antibodies and the ability to infect others is around 90%. Of these, roughly 45% are symptomatic. If you have been diagnosed with either infection, it is very possible you contracted it from someone who has no idea they have it themselves.

People have received the messages about safe sex and changed some of their practices, believing that only penetrative sex requires safe sex. Sexual health specialists now report that half the new HSV diagnoses in clinics have been microbiologically confirmed as HSV1 on the genitals, in the general community it is now estimated that 20% of all herpes infections in the genitals are in fact HSV1. On the plus side for the infected patient, when the HSV virus is not living in its ideal host environment (i.e. HSV1 infection of genitals, oral HSV2 infection) infections have been generally documented to be less severe and happen less frequently.

Another mistake many patients make, is assuming that they are not infectious during a dormant or asymptomatic phase of their disease. Studies have shown that even when a couple who are clinically discordant (i.e. one is positive and the other is negative) use what is recognized as gold standard treatment for reduction of risk to partners, the rate of transmission in a 12-month period is still 10%. This management of infection control involves the use of condoms during all sexual encounters and complete abstinence from sex during the positive partner’s symptomatic phases. Interestingly, sexual health experts report that if one partner has remained negative for 10 years in a clinically discordant partnership, it is very unlikely that they will contract the disease after this time. It is speculated that they have some immunity/protection either natural or acquired that science has not yet managed to identify.

A true primary infection of HSV2 can last for up to ten days, it involves a systemic response, where all the glands in the body are swollen, much as if the patient has influenza, as well as the obvious genital burning, itching, pain with urination or complete inability to urinate. Many patients think they are presenting with a primary infection, but, severity of symptoms indicates to the physician, this is in fact a recurrence. In these cases the patient’s primary infection would have been asymptomatic, but, for some reason, they have become run down and their immune system is not responding as it did when they were first infected. These and subsequent recurrences of HSV2 are usually around five days in duration, unless there is a serious immune system deficiency. In this case, the treating physician should refer the patient for further testing.

Because HSV transmission requires skin-to-skin contact and viral shedding to occur, typically an infection of HSV2 is specifically confined to the genitals. Affected areas include the vulva and labia in women and penis and scrotum in men, due to penetrative intercourse being quite localized. Where a patient has been infected with HSV1 on the genitals, the area is usually larger and vesicle distribution more extensive due to oral sex skin-to-skin contact covering a more extensive surface area of the genitals. Both viruses may be treated effectively with anti-viral drugs.

As stated earlier, each virus has its ideal host environment. For the patient infected with HSV1 on the genitals, this means subsequent infections are usually less virulent, and in some cases may only ever recur once or twice in their lifetime. For the patient infected with HSV2 on the genitals, the incidence of recurrence can vary greatly. Recurrences are related to the health of the immune system. Triggers may include stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, sunburn and in some women, their menstrual cycle. During the first year of infection, the number of recurrences may range from one to twelve, with an average being four to five. During subsequent years the immune system responds better, the patient learns what will trigger a recurrence and usually tries to avoid it. Eventually most patients can experience as few as one to two recurrences per year. Also, as the patient learns to better recognize the symptoms of an impending recurrence, they are able to administer anti-viral drugs earlier. This can minimize the length and duration of the attack, and possibly prevent lesions altogether. It is important for the patient to remember that despite avoiding a recurrence, they are still shedding the virus and they are still potentially infectious to their partner.

Maintenance doses of anti-virals may be taken daily to reduce the number of recurrences. Up to 50% of patients on these therapies report an absence of recurrences in a 12-month period. Where this therapy is discontinued, patients almost certainly will experience a recurrence within three weeks. This is generally followed by a reduction in the number of annual recurrences. There are a small number of female patients who have required this maintenance therapy with anti-viral drugs continuously since they first became available, over 15 years ago, in earlier forms. As recurrences reduce in frequency and severity, most patients eventually come to terms with their diagnosis. For some, this is never the case, sexual health physicians report that they need to refer between 10-20% of their patients for further psychological counseling. This is in spite the fact that they are very experienced with the disease counseling required for this diagnosis.

About Writer: Melanie Addington is writer and ex herpes victims who write and to condense every single detail of this treatment in an easy-to-follow report which I named the “Ultimate Herpes Protocol – Secretsto Naturally Treat Herpes”. The Ultimate Herpes Protocol is a step-by step blueprint to fight off herpes type I & II as well as shingles without unleashing chemical warfare on your body.

Best news: It works even if you’ve already blown hundreds or even thousands of dollars on conventional herpes medication without significant relief...even if you’ve been suffering from herpes for years...and even if your virus is currently in hiding and your doctor claims nothing can reach it.
Let this protocol vanish your herpes and restore your health as it has for more than 7,500 folks just like you.

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

Herpes - What You Need To Know

Cold Sores
Image source wikipedia-org
People have a common notion that herpes is a disease specifically acquired through sexual contact. But that isn’t entirely true. Simple direct skin contact may also cause herpes virus transmission. Some people also believe that the herpes virus may be passed on via inanimate objects like toilet seats, etc. Although the last idea may be highly unlikely due to the fragility of the virus itself. The herpes virus passes through tiny breaks in the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth and genital areas. Healthy skin acts as really good protective barriers against this infection. In cases of mucous membranes, even the slightest scrape or scratch is enough to expose the nerve endings into which the herpes virus entwines itself. This is the main reason why herpes infections usually manifest in areas where mucous membranes and normal skin merges. A good example is the corner of your mouth. The virus has been said to be passed on by sharing razors with an infected person. Unlike toilet seats, the virus can survive in the moist areas between the blades. This disease may also be passed from mother to infant during birth, however, most cases show that infants acquire the said condition after birth.

Herpes may be categorized into oral and genital herpes. Oral herpes are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1). They are commonly referred to as cold sores or fever blisters. Fever blisters often appear as tiny, clear, fluid-filled blisters on the face. These usually appear on the lips. Genital herpes, on the other hand, is caused by HSV-2 and is characterized by painful, itchy sores in the genital area.

People infected with this virus usually do not know they have it because it manifests no symptoms. Its manifestations may be too simple that I can go unnoticed. Most reported cases noted that the first outbreak was the worst. Some never get the outbreak again, and some experience it again after a very long time.

When one has herpes, be it on the mouth of the genital region, you will notice the presence of small, red bumps, blisters, or open sores in the infected area. These blisters will be very itchy and/or painful to the touch. These blisters will rupture and become ulcerations that will eventually turn into scabs and heal on its own.

There is no true cure for herpes, only preventive measures for future breakouts. Antiviral medications like acyclovir and other similar drugs help lessen the symptoms and frequency of cold sore recurrences. Proper care for blisters before and after eruption may help lessen the discomfort one may feel during periods of outbreaks.

A parody song of Britney Spear’s Gimme More discusses about the topic of herpes. The lines go like this: Every time you pull your pants down. You will know what I did that night with you. You’ve got blisters round that place now, it’ll start itching very soon. It may sound funny hearing about it in a song, but it brings up a pretty good point about having careless, casual sex with strangers. Next time you think of getting it on with someone you just met, think twice if you’re ready for any complications it may bring.

About Writer: Melanie Addington is writer and ex herpes victims who write and to condense every single detail of this treatment in an easy-to-follow report which I named the “Ultimate Herpes Protocol – Secretsto Naturally Treat Herpes”. The Ultimate Herpes Protocol is a step-by step blueprint to fight off herpes type I & II as well as shingles without unleashing chemical warfare on your body.

Best news: It works even if you’ve already blown hundreds or even thousands of dollars on conventional herpes medication without significant relief...even if you’ve been suffering from herpes for years...and even if your virus is currently in hiding and your doctor claims nothing can reach it.
Let this protocol vanish your herpes and restore your health as it has for more than 7,500 folks just like you.